Who’s on your team?

How do you feel about your healthy habits going into the holidays?
Are you confident that you can stay on track during the busy season of eating, drinking, and
schedules being thrown out the window?

Or could you use some friendly support?

Recruiting and relying on an accountability team is a great way to navigate the holidays. Gather
a group of people, or just one friend, and share your goals with each other. Then, check in daily
to follow up, offer encouragement, and remind each other that you’re in it together.

When you reach out for help, you’re giving it to the other person as much as you’re getting it.
And when someone asks you to hold her accountable, she’s showing she trusts you with her

And it works. Try it this month!
If you need team members to support, contact me here for details on my next 12 week program to lose 20 lbs, gain strength and confidence you never thought you had all without calorie counting or spending hours in the gym.

Coach Mironda

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